Repositório de Consultas KQL

Algumas consultas KQL que usamos para o Log Analytics e Resource Graph são simples mas nos fornecem todos os dados que precisamos para uma decisão ou servir de base para hunting.

Alem de algumas consultas "curiosas" que já precisei montar, tambem tenho as que uso em treinamento do Microsoft Defender for Cloud como exemplo de diferentes tipos de consultas.

Decidi juntar todas elas em um repositório no GitHub para ficar fácil a consulta e deixar disponivel para a comunidade.

msincic/scripts-KQL: Public KQL Scripts (

Nome do Script Tipo Proposito
Agents_Last_Comm Log Analytics List type of agent (MMA or AMA) and last communication of all computers monitored
Array-Text-Extract Log Analytics Examples of extract data in arrays or text columns
Attack-Examples Log Analytics Example of detect attacks in logs (SQL Injection)
Emails-Threat-Intel Log Analytics Detect malicious IPs and domains in email, URL or sender
Events_Chart_ByDay Log Analytics Example of chat to detect anomolous events registered
Graph_examples Log Analytics Examples of graph (bar, time, pie)
List_CWPP Resource Graph List workload protections in all subscriptions to map a coverage protection in your environment
List-Deployments-and-Details Log Analytics List all deploymentos to audit object creations and details about dependant objects in the same deploy
M365_Operations Log Analytics List operations in M365 and IP/DLP actions
More-Changed-Computers Log Analytics List top 10 computers and users with changed configs
PIM_Included Log Analytics List activities of include users in PIM
PoliciesAssigned-State Resource Graph List policies applied and compliance states. You can filter for compliance or non-compliance to addresses actions
Policies-List Resource Graph List policies and details to export and use for determine assigments in your enviromnent
Purview-IP-Events Log Analytics List all activities in Purview (IP, DLP, IRM, etc)
Tables-Ingest-Day-by-Day Log Analytics List ingest data in all tables by day with indicator of billied or non-billed
ThreatIntel-Examples Log Analytics Samples to use Microsoft Defender Threat Intel table to detect malicious IP in sign-ins and consult tables
Usage_Tables Log Analytics Graph to identify and understand tables growing
VM_Process_Comm Log Analytics List of process communicated in all computers with IP and Port, source, destination, bytes send and received
VMs+Scale Set User Identity Resource Graph List VMs and Scale Sets using User Identity to mapped permissions