Certificados MCP serão pagos a partir de Julho/09

Confirmando a noticia do Bill Chapman em fevereiro, agora está oficializado. A partir de julho quem quiser certificados impressos irá pagar uma taxa.



“Today, I am happy to announce that with accordance with the Microsoft Environmental Initiative, MCP Certificates are going GREEN! 

To reduce the company’s carbon footprint and impact on the environment, starting June 1, 2009, MCP certificates will transition from traditional paper to digital certificates. 

Beginning early July 2009, paper certificates can be ordered at shipping & handling costs only.”

E-Book de SQL Server 2008 gratuito !!!

Mais um e-book gratuito, agora de introdução ao SQL Server 2008.

Introducing Microsoft SQL Server 2008

by Peter DeBetta, Greg Low, and Mark Whitehorn
ISBN: 9780735625587

Learn about major new features in SQL Server 2008 including security, administration, and performance.

Introducing Microsoft SQL Server 2008:
Chapter 1: Security and Administration
Chapter 2: Performance
Chapter 3: Type System
Chapter 4: Programmability
Chapter 5: Storage
Chapter 6: Enhancements for High Availability
Chapter 7: Business Intelligence Enhancements

Segue o link: http://download.microsoft.com/download/C/D/1/CD1648C1-46BC-4C79-B16F-7AF650C186B4/693883ebook.pdf